Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cant see the forest for the trees


Trials and troubles
...They come to us all.
We stumble, we falter
And sometimes we fall.

Our focus distorted,
Our vision impaired,
Attention to earth's cares
Has caused us to err.

But God gives the way to
go through these with ease,
'cause He sees the forest,
though we see the trees.

We search to know God's will
...we strive for His way.
We know when we find it,
we're sure not to stray.

We think that we trust Him
...His plan is the best.
And if He'll just show us,
then in it we'll rest.

But we ask for His guidance,
then do as we please.
Though He sees the forest,
we're lost in the trees.

There's much more to faith
than what meets the eye.
It's trusting He'll do right,
not questioning why.

It's giving up our wants,
letting Him have the say's doing what He wants
...and without delay.

It's spending time seeking Him
While down on our knees.
Letting Him see the forest,
and us just the trees.

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