Thursday, December 13, 2012

"It is written"

 And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness
 for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And he ate nothing during those days. And when they were ended, he was hungry.
 The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.”
And Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone.’”
 And the devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time,
 and said to him, “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will.
If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours.”

 And Jesus answered him, “It is written,
  “‘You shall worship the Lord your God,
  and him only shall you serve.’”

  And he took him to Jerusalem and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here,

 for it is written,
  “‘He will command his angels concerning you,
  to guard you,’

  “‘On their hands they will bear you up,
  lest you strike your foot against a stone.’”

  And Jesus answered him, “It is said, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”

And when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from him until an opportune time.

(Luke 4:1-13 ESV)


Well this passage of scripture has been on my heart to write about for 2 weeks now.  I kept neglecting it but I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I need to write about what the lord put on my heart concerning this scripture. So I am sorry if it comes out as a jumbled mess of thoughts, but I will try my hardest to make it make sense

My 2 biggest challenges since becoming a Christian 2 and half years ago has always been Prayer and staying strong in my daily devotional bible reading. I get so distracted by all of the other things of life that I neglect these 2 most important things. I know I am starving myself spiritually, not reading The Bible or spending time in prayer is a lot like going days without eating, it is starving yourself spiritually of the "nutrients" most important to your soul. Listening to a sermon on Sunday or saying a little prayer every once in a while throughout that day are like little snacks, but they can never take the place of the "meals" that is spending time daily in The Word, and spending time specifically with God in a dedicated prayer session.

Since I have gotten to this deployment my bible reading has grown a lot stronger, there is less here to be distracted by and I find it easier to take time right before bed to get in a good session of reading. However, my prayer life is still struggling. I have an hour set up every morning specifically for prayer, but I end up staying up to late at night, then not getting up in time to go pray before going to work. I keep telling myself I am going to change this, but then I just do the same thing over and over and over again. 

So in my bible reading I recently read this passage, and it struck me in a way it never had before. I have probably read this passage 10 times before in my previous times of reading through the Gospels, but before I always thought "oh it’s pretty cool that he was able to resist the temptations of the devil" and that was about the end of my thought process on the matter. But this time as I read through it, I noticed something unique about how Jesus resisted the devil. He didn’t do it by his own power, or by any sort of strength he had, but instead he was able to resist the devil because he knew the scriptures. We see three specific examples of Jesus being tempted by the devil and all three times Jesus uses a Quote from The Scriptures to specifically stop the devils temptation. Now, obviously, we know that Jesus is God so he actually has power over Satan because he created Satan. But I think he put these into scripture to show us how important it is to know the scriptures in order to help defend against the spiritual attacks we receive every day. Ephesians 6:17 makes it clear that the Word of God is more than just a way to help us; it's actually the sword use to fight the enemy. All of the rest of the spiritual armor is defensive but the Word is actually an offensive weapon that puts us in a position of power over the temptation of the devil.

The last of the 3 examples of Jesus being tempted in this passage really stuck out to me. The devil in this example actually USES the scripture to try and tempt Jesus. That means that Satan knows the bible. In fact, I would say he probably knows it better than a lot of us do. But notice how he uses it, He takes 2 random verses, completely out of context, then twists them to fit his meaning. It’s amazing how often we see that happen in our lives. We take scripture and twist it to try and justify some sinful thing we want to do, or to justify not doing something we don't like or don't want to do. There have been whole Cults and False religions such as the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and others that have been built around twisting the scriptures and misinterpreting the Word. Now as you can see, Jesus uses a different verse, in its proper context to actually refute the devil's attempt. As it says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 , Psalm 119:105, Joshua 1:8, and Hebrews 4:12 the Word is what guides us, it is used for reproof, for teaching, it is a light for our feet, it will make our way prosperous, and it discerns our thoughts. Therefore if we are using it in context of the passage and the Bible as a whole we can be assured it will guide us to truth and will overcome the attempts of the devil to use it to harm us. This is even more of a reason why we need to be STRONG in our bible reading, because if we aren’t reading the bible, we are more likely to fall prey to false religions, teachers, and thoughts.   

So let me use this to encourage you. Take time EVERY day to sit down with your bible and spend time in it. Read it, Study it, Live it. When you are going through the temptations, struggles, and battles we face every day, reflect on the scriptures and use them to fight back against every advance of the Devil. Never listen to what any preacher, prophet, friend, book, or thought says, unless it specifically agrees with the Bible. Remember the Bible alone is the ONLY revelation God gave us, it is Gods only and full revelation to us and it tells us EVERYTHING God wants us to know about him, about how to be saved, and about how to live, no other book, pastor, priest, or prophet has any other revelation besides what is stated in the bible. Anything that does not line up exactly with the bible should not be followed. So in closing please take time and be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11, study the scriptures daily, learn what is true, and how to follow God more closely.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away. There is no one who calls upon your name, who rouses himself to take hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us, and have made us melt int the hand of our iniquities.  (Isaiah 64:6-7)
Verses to read: 
Romans 3:23; Proverbs 28:13; 1John 1:7-9; John 14:15; Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 2:8; 2Corinthians 12:9

 Last Month I had the chance to sit in on a military court marshal. This is the equivalent of a civilian court proceeding. The Airman who was being tried had gotten in a wreck while driving drunk and got a DUI. His friend and him left the bar and got in his car to drive home, a few blocks away from the bar he slammed in to the back of a parked Thunderbird. Luckily no one was seriously injured. his friend had a minor concussion and some broken ribs. But what if he had hit a moving car? he could have died, or killed an innocent bystander.The civilian courts turned the prosecution of this case over to the military, so he was tried in the military court system. 
 The court case started off with an explanation of the charges and then the prosecutor called up their witnesses and each one told about exactly what happened. the Police officer told about how bad he failed the field sobriety test, how he had a .23 BAC, and the way he acted when he was arrested. The nurse from the hospital told of administering the Blood test. His friend told exactly what he remembered from the night. 
 The Defense then called up their witness, The Airman's supervisor, who talked about how great of an airman he was and all the things he had accomplished. He was truly a top of the line Airman, he had made Senior Airman BTZ (he made the next rank six months early), he was put in charge of projects that were above his pay grade, he had a very long list of volunteer activities and all the positive things he had done and he had volunteered for multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. He was what we call a "stellar Airman."
 After this both sides said their closing arguments and they both recommended to the Judge what punishment he should receive. The Prosecutors argued that because he had committed the crime he should receive a harsh punishment. The defense argued that because he was such a stellar Airman, and he was such a good asset to the Air Force that the Judge shouldn't punish him, or only give him a minor punishment, After all, this was the first time he ever messed up or got in trouble.
 The Judge ended up giving him a strict punishment. He lost one stripe (rank), a half of a months pay was taken, he wasn't allowed to leave base for 15 days, and he had to work hard labor for 45 days. 

I do a lot of witnessing, and one common thing I come across more than anything, is that people think that their goods will make up for the bad they have done. Most people feel that they are good (Proverbs 20:8) and that God will let them in to heaven because of how much good they are done. This is a lot like this Airman. He thought that because he was such a good Airman the Judge should let him go. He hoped that the judge would see all the good he has done and overlook the bad. But the judge couldn't do that. Because the Judge is just, and must uphold the law, he had to punish the Airman for the DUI. If he had let the Airman go, he wouldn't have been a righteous judge at all. 
 The Bible says that God will judge the world in righteousness (Psalm 96:13), And because he is a good Judge he cant overlook even the smallest sin. In fact, He tells us in his word that we will be judged for EVERY idle word we ever speak. (Matthew 12:36-37). Every sin we commit will be brought before Gods Judgment and we will have to give an account for it. The punishment for sin is eternity in Hell. (Romans 6:23) No matter how much good we do, God will never look at our good deeds and overlook our sin. The bible says that People who practice sin will not inherit the Kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21) Just like the Airman, you can beg and plead for God to forgive you, you can promise you will change, you can masquerade all of your good deeds in front of him, but he says that is all just a filthy rag (Isaiah 64:6-7) It is like trying to bribe God with your works.
 But at the same time, God loves us so much (John 3:16) that he made a way for us to get out of the punishment that we deserved. He sent his Son to live a perfect life, then die a sinners death on the cross. When he did that he took every single ounce of punishment we are owed upon himself. He made a way for us to be forgiven, not because of what we do, but because of what he already did (Ephesians 2:8). His Grace is sufficient. His strength upon that cross covered us. When we are weak, it shows how strong he is. (2 Corinthians 12:9). 
 Jesus wants us to obey him. He told us that if we love him we will obey him (John 14:15). But we obey him because we love him. It is not to try and earn our way into heaven. Jesus gave you us a free gift with his salvation, and when we try to earn our way in its like we are trying to pay for that gift. but our payment is pathetic. It could never add up to the cost of his sacrifice. When he died on the cross he forgave all of our sins, past, present and future. And we know that if we confess our sins to him, and turn away from them, he will forgive us completely. (1John 1:7-9) no matter how bad of a sin it is, no matter what you have done, Jesus's sacrifice at Calvary covered it. He paid your fine in full and he is ready to forgive you , All it takes is trust. Just trust that he died for your sins and was resurrected 3 days later. You might not feel worthy of his forgiveness, but the truth is, that none of us our. every single one of us are filthy, sinful, wretched people. We deserve nothing less than death. But Jesus gave us what we don't deserve. he gave us life, eternally.

- Ask God to Search heart, to make sure you aren't trusting your own righteousness
-Thank God For his Sacrifice
-Praise God For how great he is
-Confess your sins, even the deepest darkest sins of your heart
- Ask the holy spirit to humble you so you may trust fully in Jesus's sacrifice.
- Pray for the salvation of those that dont know Jesus.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cant see the forest for the trees


Trials and troubles
...They come to us all.
We stumble, we falter
And sometimes we fall.

Our focus distorted,
Our vision impaired,
Attention to earth's cares
Has caused us to err.

But God gives the way to
go through these with ease,
'cause He sees the forest,
though we see the trees.

We search to know God's will
...we strive for His way.
We know when we find it,
we're sure not to stray.

We think that we trust Him
...His plan is the best.
And if He'll just show us,
then in it we'll rest.

But we ask for His guidance,
then do as we please.
Though He sees the forest,
we're lost in the trees.

There's much more to faith
than what meets the eye.
It's trusting He'll do right,
not questioning why.

It's giving up our wants,
letting Him have the say's doing what He wants
...and without delay.

It's spending time seeking Him
While down on our knees.
Letting Him see the forest,
and us just the trees.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day

Hey Everyone, This is my first "real" post. sorry its a couple days late. This is what I hope that most of my posts look like. I hope to post once a week. Please bare with me as I am sure this blog will evolve over time.
  John 15:13-Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
Verses to read:  Romans 12:1-2, Matthew 16:25 Luke 12:33, Genesis22, 1John 3:16, John 3:16

"LOAD UP!" yelled the Truck Commander as we were standing around Chatting. I grabbed my 38 lbs. body armor vest, helmet, M16, backpack filled with 5 days of supplies and $50,000 cash, and pelican case loaded up with computer equipment and climbed in to the MRAP Truck. As we approached the gate the truck commander told us "weapons status red" and we all put in a magazine and put a round in the chamber then checked each other to make sure our safety was on and all we had all of our protective gear on properly. Then we came to a stop and our turret gunner fired a few rounds from his 50 Cal. machine Gun attached to the top of our Truck. This was always when it really hit Home for me. I was leaving the relative safety of the FOB and heading out into the actual war. I knew that from this moment on, for the next 5 days any moment could be last. All it took was the truck I was in running over an IED (roadside Bomb) and I could breathe my last breath. After we exited the gate we crossed the Tigris River then headed in to Mosul, and started our 5 day journey to resupply the soldiers stationed at 12 different checkpoints across northern Iraq. We were bringing them much needed supplies, their mail, and money so they could buy supplies from the truck that followed us around. On top of this we usually took them a tub full of hot food, usually the first hot meal these soldiers had in weeks. As we drove through Mosul my wing-man reminded me that we were on the road nicknamed "death row" or the "green mile" because of the amount of attacks American convoys experienced on this stretch of highway. Then out the right window we saw the charred remnants of what appeared to be where an explosion took place. The Truck commander told us that is where a HMMWV (Humvee) had hit an IED (roadside bomb) the day before and 3 soldiers had died while driving to a checkpoint to take their fellow soldiers a hot meal and some supplies.
 We spent the next five days travelling all over, setting up mobile finance offices in these little checkpoints, were 20-45 soldiers lived in tents with no running water, A/C, or hot food. Our Job was to go there and give these soldiers some money from their paycheck so they could go to the supply truck and buy some basic supplies such as toothpaste and deodorant, and IF they were lucky a magazine or energy drink.

 I have spent a lot of time reflecting on my deployment to Iraq. I could go on for hours about the lessons I learned from the things I saw there. But on this memorial day I want to take time to think about the sacrifices made by our soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Coasties. In the verse for today we are told there is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends. The Soldiers that died in that HMMWV were simply trying to take a hot meal to their Battle Buddies that were living in very austere locations. They were willing to put their lives on the lines to give their friends a little comfort. Just think of the thousands of service members that laid down their lives, not for their friends, but for people they dont\'t even know, to try and protect their own country, but also to try and give the citizens of another country a better life.

 But even more than the sacrifice of the soldiers, think of the sacrifice of our savior. He died an absolutely brutal death, A death he didn't deserve, A death none of us would ever want to face. and he did it all for a wretched, sinful, hateful, people as us. Really, reflect on John 3:16 and think about what God Gave for us.

Could you give up your Child for someone else? I doubt it, But God Did. In Romans 12:1-2 we are told to present ourselves as a living sacrifice to God. To surrender ourselves entirely to him and let his will be done in us. Jesus Told us that we must be willing to lose our lives if we want to save them (Matthew 16:25) and even told someone to go sell all his possessions and give to the poor if he wants to inherit eternal life (Luke 12:33). I think that this could be the call of any of us, and we need to be ready to give up anything that God may call us to. We need to be willing to lay everything down on God's Altar as a sacrifice just like Abraham did his son (Genesis 22). Remember that since Christ laid down his life for us we need to be willing to lay down our lives for him, and for each other. (1John3:16).

What in your life would be the hardest for you to give up? Is there anything that, if God called you to, you wouldn't be willing to give up to him? Your house, car, clothes, friends or family? Prayerfully ask God to reveal to you if there is something you couldn't give up, anything that you have begun to Idolize, to love more than you love God. and if he puts something on your heart, ask for his help to repent of that idol, and to turn to him. Remember, seeking after God doesn't end with your salvation, but instead we should constantly be seeking after God, always seeking to learn his will for us, and to follow his plan for our lives.

God loves you more than anything, and he has a will for your life, we may not understand it, we might not like it sometimes. but it is important to remember that "In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls." -1 Peter 1:6-9.

Prayer Ideas
-Thank God for his Sacrifice at Calvary
-Thank God for sending his Holy Spirit to Guide you
-Ask for Humbleness, that you may submit to his will
-Ask him for Discernment so you may more clearly see his will
-Ask for his will to be done in your life, no matter the cost
-Ask God for him to reveal the Idols in your Life
-Ask God if there is anything he wants you to sacrifice for his glory
-Ask him for strength for you to carry out his will

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

Church: a word study

So what is "church" I had this question presented to me at work, and had a debate about the word last night.. So today I did a word study on it.. Here is my summary..The word church comes from the word "ekklesia" which only appears in the Gospels 3 times, but in later writings 112 times, it used to describe everything from when Peter discovers the true identity of Jesus (Matthew 16:18) to a small group of believers gathered together in a certain town or locality(acts 18:22); to it's most literal meaning, a group legally summoned for a purpose (civil, legal or military), as it is used to describe the riot at Ephesus (acts 19:32,39,41). The word church was never used to describe a building until the Codex Justinianus dated in the 4th to 6th century A.D. Which was long after Constantine had redefined the word as a civil institution. So in the bible their is 2 clear descriptions of the church, first is the universal church being the entire body of Christians ( 1 Corinthians 12:13; Ephesians 1:22-23) including every believer in the world. And the second definition is the local church, which is a local assembly of believers that meet physically to worship, fellowship, teach, pray, and encourage in the faith. (Hebrews 10:25) at this local level we are to break bread together, worship, pray for each other, disciple, and strengthen one another. Although their are many local churches, we all are a member of the universal church. So how should the church act, what should our mission be? I found this following description and thought it was awesome:So what is this New Creation called “the church”?I like the suggestion of a student years ago, “a combination of a colony of the Kingdom and a support group!”These are people gathered, as in Ac.2:42-47, to celebrate and share the resurrection life of their King.As in Ac.11:26, they gather to learn his ways, in order to represent him faithfully to those outside, andas in Ac.12:15, for mutual support and prayer in the face of persecution.They deliberately avoid (Heb.10:25) neglecting to get together, since they need to keep coaching and encouraging one another,(I Cor.14:12) each seeking to excel in what will edify the church, as they(Heb.10:24) concentrate on prodding each other with love and good deeds.They serve as a “demonstration project” of the wisdom and glory of God (Eph.3:10)being “built together into a permanent dwelling place for God, in the Spirit.”(Eph.2:22).Quite enough to keep us all busy!Sources: ·  · Unfollow Post · Share · Delete

confessions of an atheist (my testimony)

I used to be an atheist. I used to believe God was a fairy tale and anyone who believed in him was either delusional or an idiot. My life as an atheist revolved around my own desires. I loved punk rock, mtn. Biking, women, and rock climbing. I hated Christians and thought they were all stupid. I was very selfish, thought I knew more than anyone and truly just hateful. Mtn. Biking and rock climbing was huge to me.. if I wasn't outdoors doing something I want happy. I had to keep my mind occupied and my adrenaline pumping or I got really bored and lonely. When I got lonely I would start looking for a girl.. someone to keep my company and please my lustful desires.. This never really fulfilled me.. I would be happy and the time when I was on my bike or on the rock or with a new girl. But then I would fall back into boredom and loneliness again right away. I was really struggling with figuring out what my life meant.. I always felt like I was headed nowhere fast, with no idea what my future holds.


 I wasn't looking for God. I thought my life was going great.. but God came looking for me. I went on a date with a Catholic girl and she started asking me about my beliefs. I started arguing with her, but she just said that it didn't seem like I knew much about God and that maybe I should get a Bible and read what God is really like. I thought that maybe it's a good idea, that way I can learn about the Bible so I could use it against Christians. Well I bought one, and started to try and read it.. I couldn't understand it though and gave up.


Then a few days later, I heard a man I am good friends with talking about God and I started debating with him about it. He started telling me about his faith and his testimony. And then he invited me to some event his church was putting on. I decided to go and check it out. At this event there was a speaker and he had a Gospel message... this message was brief but really made me start having questions of "what if God was real?".


 I started to do research online and started having a lot more questions. One night a week later I was in Walmart at 11 pm looking at muscle magazines. These 2 guys walk up to me and start talking to me about God and asking me what I believe. Well I ended up talking to them for about 45 min. And after that I left walked out of Walmart and decided God had to be real because he just proved it by sending these 2 guys to talk to me at that exact time in my life.


I left a couple days later to go to a military training in New Jersey. While I was there I decided that since God had to be real I had better become a Christian... so I went and got my dog tags changed. After I did that I started wondering how to make such a huge change in my life... To go from living as an atheist to being a Christian. I had no clue, and was really struggling with, how to change my life and actually start living like a Christian. I knew I couldn’t do it on my own and was really searching for a way to change.


 I came back home for 10 days before leaving to Iraq. One day I was in Target sitting on a bench and this girl walks up to me and starts talking to me about some climbing balls I was playing with. We started talking about the summer and what she was doing and she told me she was there for a summer camp and was studying the Holy Spirit. She asked me if I knew who the Holy Spirit is, and I told her no. She then asked me if she could show me some Scriptures about it. She showed me where Jesus tells his disciples that he is going to send the Holy Spirit to dwell within every believer and guide them in the way they should go. I was blown away. I told her about how I had recently decided to become a Christian but couldn't figure out how to start following Christ. So we talked a little more and she invited me to pray for the Holy Spirit. At that point I prayed with her and asked for repentance from my sins and for the Holy Spirit to come in to my life.


 Just before I received Christ I was really struggling with fear of my deployment to Iraq. I also was struggling with my selfishness and loneliness. Almost immediately I started to see a change. I was feeling guilty about sins that had never even crossed my mind before. I was starting to see my old desires change to new ones that seemed strange but very exciting. Suddenly I was at peace. I felt like even when I was lonely I had someone there with me. I had this unquenchable desire to learn about God and to start living differently. I wanted to please God and be a new person.


After I received Christ I started to pray regularly, go to church, hang out with Christians and seek to know Jesus as much as possible. I really felt like something inside of me had changed. The Bible tells us that when we receive Christ we are born again, that we are new creations in him. We have new hearts with new desires... this was very evident in me because of the change everyone noticed since I became a Christian I have been able to move past the problems of my past. I don't struggle with loneliness anymore and I don't have to be getting an adrenaline rush in order to be happy. I still enjoy the outdoors and doing the stuff I used to. But now it is just a hobby and not an addiction.


I have been able, because of Gods strength, to get away from my sinful stuff that I was doing sexually and instead focus the energy I used to focus and meeting new girls on to seeking after Jesus. I first really noticed the change when one night I was really bored and decided instead of going and meeting a new girl or something that I was going to go out to the mall and talk to people about Christ.


 I used to be motivated by my lusts and desires. Now I am motivated by the want to seek out Jesus and follow his will for my life. I find my motivation through his words and through the things he desires me to do.

As you share your faith, you may want to check out The Evangelism Toolbox at This site offers hundreds of free resources from scores of organizations in many languages and formats which you may find useful in your personal evangelism. And, if you would like to share your faith online with seekers from around the world, check

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why do this at all?

Over the last few months I have been thinking about whether or not to start a blog at all. I know a lot of my family and friends love calling me and talking or just reading my posts on Facebook, so I thought maybe some others could benefit from my ideas and the thing going through my head if I wrote them down. 
But at the same time, I am a new christian, I have been a christian for only 2 years and 10 days now. And I feel like some people may think that I am not ready to be writing about christian Topics. 
But as I thought and prayed about it God keeps putting on my heart that I am in a unique situation and I have a chance to encourage my Family and friends using the things that happen in my life and the experiences I have. 
God has kept reminding me that Paul became a believer and then was out preaching the gospel IMMEDIATELY. He didn't spend years learning and sitting in the back, no the bible says that "immediately he proclaimed Jesus in the synagogues, saying "he is the son of God"" (Acts 9:7)
We are told so many times in the bible how important it is to build each other up and love each other. The whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 14 is about using the gifts the Holy spirit gives us. I intend to use this blog to try and use what the holy spirit has given me. 

So throughout all of my posts and ramblings I intend to try and stick to a few simple themes:

First is the scriptures. The Scriptures are the inerrant word of God and is the absolute most important thing to base this off of. We know that "16 dAll Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that ethe man of God1 may be complete, fequipped gfor every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17) So I believe that EVERYTHING I write on here has to be based in the Scriptures. Please don't believe anything I write unless it agrees with scripture.. This leads me to my second thing..

Constant study of the Bible. We as humans are so easily deceived. You see it all over the world. People buy into all sorts of ponzi schemes and crazy ideas. and it all comes back to the fact that people will listen to anything you tell them, because they are not grounded in the scriptures, they don't have that constant, unchanging perfect truth to base their lives off of. The word of God is truth. it is absolute unchangeable truth that is perfect. Yet A lot of Christians never pick up their bibles and read it for themselves, instead they just listen to what others tell them, this is why so many Christians are lead astray by the likes of people like Joel Osteen, Rob Bell, and Joe Smith. I could talk for hours about this, because it is such an important issue. But I will save that for a later date. Just remember that the next time you turn on the TV or go to Facebook, you could spend that time in your bible Sharpening your "Sword of the Spirit" (read Ephesians 6:10-18)

Prayer/Fasting/Offering: I feel like these 3 go hand in hand. All three are neglected.. In America it seems like we only give God "what we have extra" and I don't mean only money.. we pray "if we have time" we fast only when we are told to or are doing it for some cause, and we only give whatever money we have "left over" But this is in absolute contrast to What Jesus Teaches. When he told us to "sell our possessions and give to the poor" (Luke 12:33) he did so because he wants us to have our focus on him and not our money. When he talks about giving it is always off of the top, it is the first fruits of your crop, not the left overs. And this isn't just with money, it includes your time.. If you devote the first of your time to the lord it will keep your focus on him and not on the things of this world.

Evangelism: Evangelism is where my heart is. I was saved because of the Evangelistic work of a few diligent laborers. Jesus commands each and everyone of us to evangelize. we are ALL his witnesses. We are ALL told to share the faith and we are all commanded to be ministers of the Gospel.. let me make my point on this one clear right now.. YOU HAVE BEEN COMMISSIONED BY THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE to seek and save the lost. It is just as much your job as it is your pastors. You cant expect the churches to save the lost, if you leave it to the churches, it will never happen. Jesus went in to the world to save the lost. Paul went in to the world to lead the lost to repentance. EVERY single one of us MUST purposely be seeking out conversations and working to fulfill the great commission. I named this Blog Watchmen on the wall because that is what we are. If you read Ezekiel 33 you see that God has commissioned us to go out in to the world and sound the trumpet of warning to the lost. Once again I could talk for hours on this.. But I want you to remember that you are a minister of the Gospel. God has called you to be a fisher of men. Who do you know that isn't saved? what are you doing to lead them to the Cross?? (read Matt. 28:18-20)

All Scriptures I reference On here will be from the ESV, unless I annotate otherwise.